Anxiety Is Contagious
As we transition into fall, I hope you're embracing the change in seasons. However, if you struggle with anxiety, you may have found it hard to fully appreciate the vibrant colors and peaceful moments that this time of year brings.
This article explains what anxiety is in general and addresses several of its subtypes.
It also defines social contagions and how dangerous the anxiety contagion is because it offers community but that community’s purpose unknowingly causes damage. And, of course, it leaves you with hope for moving into a life of confidence and resilience.
There are several different types of anxiety, but it doesn't matter the diagnosis, each one can have devastating effects. In general it stems from heightened activity in certain regions of the brain that put the brain in a constant state of overdrive.
Symptoms may include chronic nervousness, excessive worry, muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, high blood pressure, extreme fear of normal life events, various phobias, becoming too easily embarrassed, unrealistic expectations of self and others, among quite a few other things.
The good news about anxiety is that most anxieties can be managed in a way that allows people to live well balanced lives. They can be productive, well adjusted, socially interactive and enjoy the normal activities and interactions of life. It takes a desire for change and some effort, but when those things are in place the success rate is exceptionally high.
What is unprecedented is the number of people suffering from anxiety. It was on the rise before the pandemic but is literally an epidemic post pandemic, with the majority of sufferers being young adults. That is why I created the course UNAFRAID - Face The Future With Confidence & Resilience, launching this October. Head over to our website to learn more! Linked in bio
Unfocused Anxiety reduces focus, attention and impulse control. Symptoms often overlap with those of ADHD. Trouble completing things, feeling sluggish, procrastination, chronic boredom, distractibility and forgetfulness are symptoms of unfocused anxiety. It can also include difficulty verbalizing feelings, self focus and lack of empathy. Reduced blood flow to the brain caused by physical illness, drugs, alcohol, poor diet or environmental toxins contribute to unfocused anxiety and can cause frequent feelings of sickness, brain fog, and cognitive impairment.
Overfocused Anxiety is often seen in those with obsessive-compulsive tendencies, specific phobias, or PTSD. Ruminating, repetitive negative thoughts, eating disorders and a strong dislike of change can also be problematic. Some may have difficulty letting go of past hurts, be argumentative and hyper opinionated, so when things don't go their way it causes undue distress. A tell tale sign is when focus becomes entrenched in one thing and regardless of what else is going on, the person doesn't shift their focus.
Social Anxiety is a common one! And since the pandemic it is at epidemic levels! Self consciousness, embarrassment, fear of being judged or scrutinized, and playing the comparison game are all part of social anxiety. Social anxiety keeps people from interacting in the real world because they fear being labeled as stupid, awkward or boring. Lack of eye contact, speaking very softly, rapid heart rate, nausea, sweating and blushing may also be associated with social anxiety. Lack of interaction with people and isolation leads to depression, so it is common for those with social anxiety to also be depressed.
Cyclical Anxiety is brought on by fluctuating activity levels in the brain, leading to episodic and unpredictable mood swings. Disorders like bipolar disorder, and panic disorder fall into this category, with symptoms like elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, and poor judgment during high periods. This form almost always needs professional and ongoing interventions, but lifestyle changes, and learning to self regulate and manage thoughts help tremendously.
Psychology Today, in an article called “Anxiety Contagion,”1 says that, “Panic (often associated with anxiety) is as contagious as any pathogen and is dangerous in its own right.” It goes on to say “Sustained anxiety is literally bad for your health. The more you panic, the less functional your immune system becomes.” It literally damages your whole being.
Social contagions can be centered around ideas, philosophies, emotions, behaviors, or attitudes that spread through social networks, influencing people in a group. It can be easier to talk about something and find support within a group of people who share the same feeling or belief. Social contagions have a strong pull because they give people a place to belong. The danger is when a social contagion is damaging, yet, there is a need to keep the contagion alive, because people have found a sense of community built upon the contagion. So, be aware, and be careful.
Helping people overcome anxiety is a passion of mine. Life is too short to live it in fear!
Coaching and courses can help!! In addition, there are also so many scholarly articles verifying the validity of supplements and essential oils for helping those with anxiety. I'm impressed with the numbers of doctors who are now making their patients try lifestyle changes and supplements before agreeing to medicate them. Of course some people need psychiatric drugs - and we need them to stay on them - for their safety and ours! But if medicine is not absolutely necessary, you might want to try:
Calm My Brain - BrainMD or Valor Essential Oil blend - it smells nice and helps you feel valiant! My husband, Dave and I both use it when we need to boost our confidence.
I opened a Fullscript store so I could pass my personal savings on to you. I choose to give you the 25% discount and only make 5% on your purchase (instead of making 30% like most practitioners make) because it is not my main source of income. If you buy supplements, I can almost guarantee you'll save $$ purchasing them at my Fullscript store.
As we step into the beauty of fall, I hope you're embracing Wholly Living this season! Stay grounded, calm, and enjoy the peaceful moments that autumn brings.