The Key To Thriving

Is yours a life that embodies the essence of Wholly Living? 

At its core, Wholly Living is about transformation—a continual process of change that is both beautiful and fulfilling. It is more than mere existence; it is a holistic approach to life where thriving socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually is the goal. 

The Oxford Languages dictionary defines ‘wholistic’ as an informal usage of the word ‘holistic’ and defines it as being “characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole. "The solution demands a holistic approach and a strategic vision of what can be achieved."”


The body, mind, soul and spirit cannot be separated; therefore my training has been in multiple modalities and my coaching approach and my courses integrate them.

Understanding Wholly Living

When we put our heart and soul into life and we are comfortable in our own skin, we gain confidence and resilience. This helps us feel like an asset in every area of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors. We begin to thrive and wholly live when we lean into our purpose and calling, honoring our own unique wiring. Operating in our strengths helps us show up authentically, with purpose and confidence in a world that constantly tries to knock us down.

Wholly Living is rooted in the key words "confidence and resilience," which serve as pillars of strength in navigating life's challenges. But are you confident whoever you are with and wherever you go?

Transformation and Growth

Transformation is a cornerstone of Wholly Living. It is the belief that life is a journey of continual change and growth, where every experience, whether positive or negative, contributes to our evolution as individuals. This ongoing process of transformation is what makes life beautiful and the growth experience fulfilling. It is a reminder that change is not something to be feared but embraced as an opportunity.

John Hopkins validates the use of essential oils saying, “When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. Essential oils can also be absorbed by the skin.”1

Please note: the quality of essential oils matters greatly and Young Living Essential Oils meet all of the qualifications outlined within the article.


Transformation™ essential oil can be helpful. This blend combines nine powerful essential oils—Lemon, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Sacred Frankincense, Idaho Blue Spruce, Cardamom, Ocotea, and Palo Santo—together, they help move you from feelings of darkness into an environment of light, hope, and joy. A sense of self-awareness and increased desire to move forward and be transformed with courage is increased and can be a motivating factor in achieving the desires of your heart.

Embracing The Change

Learning and self-discovery is a lifetime adventure!

Change is not a one-time event, although some events change us! But in the context of Wholly Living, embracing small changes along the journey usually make life more exciting, the changes more enjoyable and the outcome more rewarding.

Everything changes! Situations, relationships, jobs, kids, homes. It is the only thing that is 100% predictable – things will change. And so will you. Our ability to adapt and grow in the face of change is what defines our resilience. By embracing change, rather than resisting it, we become stronger and more adept at navigating life with grace and ease. Not to mention the fact that we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences that sometimes lead to wonderful opportunities leaving us feeling happy and fulfilled.

If confidence and resilience is something you or one of your loved ones lacks, please reach out. Currently I only have room for one new coaching client, but hybrid courses are in the making, which  will be partially recorded and partially live - on Zoom or in person.

Thank you for being a part of the Wholly Living community by reading this newsletter. I hope the tidbits of information you gain are inspirational and maybe even support you in your transformational journey!

Suzette Parker

Essential Oil Educator 

Board Certified: Life, Relationship & Brain Health Coach

I am here to help you - just reach out

You, my loyal readers, get 25% OFF MSRP on hundreds of bands of pharmaceutical grade supplements 

including BrainMD supplements. If you need a suggestion, just let me know.  


Enjoy & Have Fun


Grow In Resilience